your journey starts here

Hey there,
I am over the moon excited to welcome you on board. It is an honor and privilege for me to become part of your brand journey and to be able to assist you to bloom into your most magnificent self-expression.
This page is the starting point of our quest together. Here you can find all the information you need and what are the next steps to move forward.
It is a good idea to bookmark this page and come back to it as often as you need.
In order to stay organized and on track during the next weeks, we will be using several tools and applications.
The first one is called Trello and it is a project management online based system. There you will have your very own project board. Trello allows you to have full overview of the project and to follow its progress in real time.
I know that this may sound a bit overwhelming right now, but trust me there is nothing to worry about. Trello is user friendly and super intuitive, plus I’ll provide you with mini training on how to use it. And as always if you have any questions – I am here for you, every step on the way!
Other Tools That We’ll Be Using
Zoom is a video call application and we’ll be using it to host our calls. You can download it from www.zoom.us
Calendly is an online booking system, where you can book your coaching calls. You can do that by following this link.
Pinterest is an online social media tool and visual search engine. We’ll be using it to create the draft or your mood board. If you don’t have a Pinterest account, you can create one at www.pinterest.com
Here is what to do next…
Step 1 - Create a FREE Trello account
If you don’t already have a Trello account, please go to www.trello.com and create your FREE account.
Step 2 - Send me your Trello email
Once you create your account in Trello, please send me the email address to lily@lily-blooms.com so I can invite you to your personal project board.
Step 3 - Accept the invitation to your board
You should receive an invitation for your personal project board over email. Once you do, please accept it and login to Trello.
Step 4 - Watch the training video
You will find the mini training video in your project board in the card called Welcome! – START HERE. Please watch it and get familiar with the platform.
Step 5 - Fill out your Branding Questionnaire
In your project board you will find a link to a Branding Questionannire. Please fill it out prior the starting date of the project.
Step 6 - Create Pinterest mood board
Once you fill out the Branding Questionnaire, please create a mood board in Pinterest. When you are ready with it, invite me to the Pinterest board (lily@lily-blooms.com), so I can have access to it. You will find instructions on how to create the mood board in Trello.
Step 7 - Book your coaching calls
Please go to my Calendly scheduler here and book your weekly calls for the duration of the project. Please book your calls on the same day and same time of the week if possible to avoid confusion.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to get in touch?
You can contact me via my email at lily@lily-blooms.com or via Messenger.
What is the expected response time?
The usual time I take to respond is 24 hours in business days. Depending on the situation this time may vary, but will be no longer than 48 hours.
Messages send over the weekend are usually answered on Monday. However, if I have the availability I may answer your message during the weekend as well.
What is the expected response time from me as a client?
I expect you to be able to respond in timely manner. For the succes of the project and for staying on track, I expect to hear from you in 24 hours after I contact you.
What does the 1 month free support include?
Your 1 month free support begins at the day of launching your website. During this month we can do minor changes and tweaks to the content and design; uploading additional content to the existing pages; grammar & typos corrections and answering all your questions.
What information I should provide?
Prior to starting the project I require all of the website content in terms of text, photos, grapfics and login credentials to relevant accounts.
Where I should provide the required information?
Please upload all of the information in your Trello project board in the designated list and card.
How to give feedback?
The easiest and most efficient way would be to write a comment in Trello in the corresponding list and card.
What does the 1 year basic support include?
Your 1 year basic support begins at the day of launching your website. During the first year we will make sure that your website is up-to-date with all the latest and greatest ( regular website backups, theme updates, plugin updates, hacker attack monitoring, WordPress Core updates).